Tag Archive | mistreated

A New Year, A New Love


When reading the title of this post you may ask, why write about the New Year on February 1st? It was my intention to write this post in January but I was enjoying the New Year so much, time just got away from me.

So it is with a new love. We become so engrossed with the emotion, hype and discovery of our new found love. We spend all our time together, we talk several times a day over the phone, we text each all the time and fantasize about each other when we are away. We just can’t get enough of each other until. Until? Yes until the newness wears off. Until the monotony of everyday life seeps into our fragile love bubble. Like a New Year, February 1st is just a short distance away.

Nothing remains new, fresh, untouched forever. When the newness wears off where do you stand? Are you left cold, abandoned, unloved, hurt, mistreated? Are you in love now more than ever although not new but appreciated, cherished, celebrated? What is the difference of these two extreme points? If I were still in Geometry class I would say a straight line. (Smile) Yet there can be a straight line from new love to mature love.

I try to teach about that straight line in my book, “Wise Courtship”. It’s like making a New Year’s resolution and having a guide to help you stick with it. In “Wise Courtship, the book, I try to teach planning before the emotion, hype and discovery of a new love begins so that when the newness wears off, your straight line leads to lasting love.

I know what it feels like to be hurt, abandoned, mistreated, neglected. No one deserves to ever be treated in this way; especially you. It is my prayer that in this New Year that each new love you discover whether romantic or platonic leads you on a straight line to true long lasting love.

Sincerely loving,
Toni Henderson-Mayers, MA, MCC, MBA
Author of Wise Courtship: Before Relationship & Marriage Guide